A Place to Find Community

God has us in this specific place for a specific reason.

We are called to

Seek God's Kingdom

Share the love of Jesus

Serve our community

Embracing the call of loving our neighbors and loving them well. 

Foundational Beliefs

We believe that Jesus, the Son of God, entered our broken world and lived a life that reveals God to us and tells us who we are: beings created by God in God’s image who suffer in a broken world.

Jesus lived a life of perfect obedience to God and suffered and died on a cross to create the way for people to be reconnected to God, as we were created to be. God brought Jesus to life again—defeating death—and Jesus returned to his Father in heaven.

Because Jesus died and rose again, we can live in victory and look forward to an eternity with God.

To connect with this new life and hope, we need to recognize that we have big issues that we can’t fix ourselves, accept Christ’s claim that he is the Son of God and the way to new life, and allow God to lead us into a new relationship with him, and one day we will be reunited with him.


Rooted in the God’s Word

We are devoted to scripture and fully recognize and embrace the power of God’s Word to transform and lead lives.

Community Focused

We are committed to developing and establishing genuine community with those around us.

Faith Filled Lives

We are dedicated to following the Spirit as we live out the kingdom mission of sharing the gospel.

Tangible Grace

We are committed to caring for our community and neighborhood to live out the love of Jesus.

Church Logo Description

The circular imagery focuses on community, relationship, and connectedness.

The Red, Blue, and Gray focus on three critical aspect of our relationship with God and who we are as Children of God. The BLUE symbolizes baptism and the adoption into the family of God. The RED symbolizes Christ blood that offers forgiveness to the world. The GRAY symbolizes to us that in Christ’s death and resurrection, we to are raised to new life.

The cross is centralized to represent Christ. Christ is the center of who we are. Our wholeness is centered on Christ, our life, our mission, and our identity. All connected  again to the principles of baptism, communion, and Christ’s death and resurrection. It grounds us in the stories of adoption, in generosity, in forgiveness.